Saturday, August 7, 2010

pictures from last chemo

This is mostly for my mom to see because she had really wanted to sit with me through one of my chemo treatments and the one week she came out to be with me for one, I had surgery on a pilonidal cyst and they post-poned the treatment for 2 weeks. So, I documented my last one through photographs. :) Alan was there for the whole thing and my Uncle John came to visit. It was really early and a 5 hour process.. so I look a little rough. :P

Alan and I waiting for my follow-up with Dr. Mathew at 8:00 a.m.

Reading a magazine and waiting for my pre-meds. They had already accessed my port but you can't see it because I'm wearing my jacket.

Chemo has started. You can see the IV line coming out from my jacket.

Free milkshakes! :)

Uncle John, me, and Alan. Thank you guys for being there for me! :)

The nursing staff gave me a balloon and a card. The card started off with, "What cancer cannot do.."

The flowers that were waiting for me when I got home. The pink roses are from Uncle John and the assorted bouquet from my mom!

I love this quote.. it really describes how I feel about all the love and support I've recieved since the very beginning. :)

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