Thursday, May 20, 2010

Happy days ahead!

"The Annie"

Visting Arches National Park last May. :)

So, after my last blog, lots has happened.

The following day, after being told to wait on chemo, I went in for my MUGA test. Basically, they drew blood from my port, mixed it with radioactive material, and put it back inside me through my port. They said this test is more accurate than the echocardiogram.... they just choose to do the echo more often because of the radioactive material they have to use for MUGA. I'll have one more MUGA done on June 1st. But the results came back from that showing that my heart is actually working at 59%. So, it really only dropped 7% since starting chemo. So, that was good news. :)

The day after that test, I started right back on my chemo medicine: Adrimyacin and Cytoxan. Felt pretty good the day after..and a little rough for about a week. My heart was making me nervous.. it would start to race when I was laying in bed, or seem to be exploding out of my chest if I walked up the stairs.. even when I went for a walk, it seemed to be beating as though I were jogging. I had actually told myself that I was officially done with the Adrimyacin. It wasn't worth having heart problems when I was done with chemo.
I've also been having a little bit of pain in my right breast (where I had two surgeries). Sharp shooting pains in my nipple and around the scar tissuse inside my breast. I mentioned this to my PA and she said that it's common for that to happen as the nerves begin to repair themselves (at their own rate). It makes sense, because after surgery, I felt the same type of pain on the back of my right arm as those nerves were healing. Just glad to know it wasn't anything serious.

After this treatment (my third), my friends Dan and JoAnne Schaub came to visit me on their way out to Yellowstone. I hadn't seen them since last August and it was so comforting seeing some familiar faces again! They are two of the nicest people I know and they were so generous! Going out to eat, to the movies, to the Minneapolis Institute of Art, and they bought me a Harley Davidson bandana, too! Which I love because it's such a light material that breathes well. I was sad to see them go, but I had so much fun with them! And they're back working in Yellowstone now. :) We're hoping that when Alan and I drive back out West, we can visit with them and all our friends in the park.

Yesterday I had my fourth treatment! I'm officially halfway done now!! And I'm officially done with the Adrimyacin and Cytoxan medicines. I will be starting my 5th treatment on June 2, and it will just be on Taxol. Feeling pretty good today..the side effects usually will kick in a few days after though..and they'll last about a week. Then I'm back to feeling good again..other than fatigue. And I'm pretty much bald now.. just a few patchy areas left. haha
Alan will be here in 3 days!! I am SO excited for him to get here!! I haven't seen him since February 25th, so it's been about 3 months. So, Sunday will be such a great day!! :) Plus, it's our one year anniversary that day! :)
And my mom will be here in less than 4 weeks!! She bought a car for me (cuz she is amazing and so kind and generous!) and will be driving out here June 13th and will be here on the 15th. She's going to sit with me through my 6th treatment. She's rented a cabin to stay in for about 10 days, or however long I need her to stay. I can't wait for her to get here either!! I miss her. :(

And now for some much deserved Thank You's!

My mom - for buying me a car! A 2000 Nissan Sentra. :) And for sending me flowers for every treatment I have. And for just being my biggest supporter through all of this. :)

My brother and sister - for calling in to check on me and letting me know they love me. :) And for the new polarized Ray Ban sunglasses Georgie bought me and Dustin for giving me the "Stay Strong Annie" poster from his hockey fundraiser.

Alan - for driving out here to spend the summer with me! :)

Sandra Kerr - for raising $2, 516 (Canadian) selling cookies shaped as the breast cancer ribbon. It's all going in my benefit checking account and will be such a huge help!
Cami Tracy - for sending me a beautiful cross necklace with the breast cancer ribbon on it and a bracelet with the quote " What cancer cannot do". :)

Katelyn Rodas - for putting together a fundraiser for me in St. Stephen, N.B. at the end of June or early July! Hope anyone in the area can make it! More details to follow! :)

My cousin Stan - for making a cupcake she named, "The Annie". It's beautiful and I love it! There's a picture at the top of the page. You can find her talented cupcake-making skills on Facebook under, "Cupcake Woman." :)
Aunt Bonnie - for taking me shopping, out to lunch, and to get my first pedicure. :)
Aunt Colleen - for giving me a place to stay. :)
Uncle John - for taking me out to eat, going on walks, and
taking me out on his boat. All so relaxing! :)
Dan and JoAnne - for all that they did for me while they were here! I had a great time! :)
Mike Green - for running the Susan G. Komen for the Cure in Salt Lake City on May 8th! :)

And for all the postcards, cards, e-mails, texts, and messages/comments on Facebook!! :)

I am not alone! And I will be okay. :)


See above.

Monday, May 3, 2010


This a picture of me last summer. Alan and I had gone to Old Faithful to walk around the boardwalks and were lucky enough to get to see Beehive Geyser go off. It erupts anywhere from 8 hour intervals up to a few days. This erpution lasted about 5 minutes and shot the water about 200 feet in the air. It's definitely one of the coolest things I'd ever seen.

Ok, time for another update.

This second treatment has treated me a little more..well, worse I guess is the word I'll use. But it really hasn't been awful. The morning after my second treatment I woke up sweating and feeling really weird and flu-like. Fatigue has been the side effect that's pretty constant. I get so tired after doing the simplest things. And I found that I have been getting mouth sores as well (a side effect of chemo). But really what it feels like is a bubble or a blister in my mouth..but they only last for about an hour and then they just go away. It's really weird. And I also notice that I had a dry cough the week of treatment..but that went away by the second week. I gained 4 pounds in 2 weeks. Normally I'd feel like, "Ugh, I'm so fat!".. but it's a good thing that I have an appetite and my body is getting the fuel and nutition it needs to endure something like chemotherapy. And, my hair is falling out big time. I shaved my head the Saturday after my second treatment because it was falling out in the shower, my hands would just be covered in hair and I couldn't stand it anymore. So, the Aveda salon shaved it for free and were wonderful as always! And everyday I can see a little more balding on the top of my head. Again, just another side effect and I knew it would happen.

My cousin, Nicole, brought me to the American Cancer Society's "Look Good, Feel Better" program last Wednesday night. There were 5 other women there with me who were undergoing treatment for cancer.. 3 out of the 5 were breast cancer patients like myself. And it was interesting hearing their stories and how they're dealing with everything. I was the youngest one there.. but one of the women was only a year older than me and a breast cancer patient. So, it's really important to do those self-exams ladies! It's happening to younger and younger women. But anyway, I got a generous bag full of make-up donated from companies like: Chanel, Bobbie Brown, Mary Kay, Avon, Elizabeth Arden, Estee Lauder, and Aveda. They taught us how to put the make-up on and how to tie a scarf on our heads. I was very happy I went. There was lots of laughter and for a moment, we were just women being women, and not cancer patients.

So, today would've been my third treatment. But I had an echocardigram done on Thursday and the results from that put a halt to that treatment.. and the Adrimyacin medicine. Remember when I had mentioned that it can damage the heart? Well, it's done just that to mine. My base heart capacity (I guess that's what they'd call it?) started out working at 66%. The results from the one on Thursday showed that it had dropped to 45%. 50% is considered within the normal range and I've dropped below that.

They've given me a prescription to take that is supposed to be a 'protection' for my heart. And they're hoping that because I'm young and we're stopping the Adrimyacin that my heart will go back up on it's own. So, tomorrow I have to go in for a MUGA test. They will put this radioactive stuff in me to highlight my heart and try and get another reading to see how accurate the echocardiogram was. And after that appointment, I will meet with my oncologist to talk about a different approach for chemotherapy. He may choose to continue with the Cytoxan and then add either Taxol or Taxotere. There are lots of medicines to choose from so it's just a matter of finding another combinatioin that won't damage my heart. (The doctor's did tell me that they're currently treating a 23 year old for breast cancer and the Adrimyacin did the same thing to her.)

So, that's the update with the chemo. I just want to say thank you to the Jackman port of entry for their very thoughtful gift basket they sent me! Lots of great stuff and I really appreciate you guys thinking of me!! And a big thank you to Jenn for the beautiful flowers she sent me for my birthday! :) And also to my mom's friend Katie (a breast cancer survivor!!), who made a very generous donation to my benefit checking account. And of course to my family and friends, I really appreciate all the love and support I recieve DAILY. It keeps me going and gives me courage and hope.

So, please continue to pray and send positive thoughts my way!

I will be okay. :)


Alan will be here in 20 days!!
I feel good.
I am looking forward to summer.
I got lots of new make-up!
I know I'm loved!
God is here with me, every step of the way.